Research Projects
EcoResources and its team members has successively completed a large number of technological development projects, field studies and research collaboration with high impact in the society and the economy. Numerous innovative projects conducted with research and technical partners are currently under progress with promising intermediate outcome.
Sustainable production of Cellulose-based products and additives to be used in SMEs and rural areas
Ecoresources participates in the CELISE project (Sustainable production of Cellulose-based products and additives to be used in SMEs and rural areas) funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE).
The aim of the project is to create multinational partnership between European research and innovation institutions, industry, and research teams in third countries in order to exchange knowledge and experience concerning cellulose-based materials using biomass residues processing in small and medium enterprises and rural areas from Europe and Latin-America. The project enhances the development of knowledge and scientific excellence by enabling European universities and industries to establish and maintain contacts with their partners in third countries thereby facilitating access to research environments outside Europe and promoting synergies on a global scale with corresponding directly to EU & UN priorities and within some global goals of sustainable development.
With the role of a non-academic partner Ecoresources will offer the visiting researchers the necessary help to be able to carry out their work in suitable conditions.

GRawMat Cluster
Enhanced hyperthermia efficiency in relatively large spherical Fe/Fe-oxide core
Enhanced magnetic hyperthermia efficiency was succedded for relatively large spherical Fe/Fe-oxide core-shell nanoparticles through the manipulation of interactions between the core and shell phases. Experimental results on representative samples with diameters in the range 30-80 nm indicate a direct correlation of hysteresis losses to the observed heating with a maximum efficiency of around 0.9 kW/g. An interdisciplinary group of scientists from around Europe supported by Ecoresources combined forces to demonstrate the importance of developing, understanding and optimizing engineered nanomaterials with practical interest for a variety of biomedical technological applications.
Check out for more information in ACS Applied Nano Materials and the corresponding video presentation here.

Hexavalent chromium filtration system
Household filter cartridge to completely capture hexavalent chromium from tap water
A novel drinking water The issue of hexavalent chromium intake through drinking water consumption has become the subject of a worldwide debate in the last two decades as continuous reports reveal the high frequency of its appearance in water resources. Ecoresources has introduced a household filter cartridge loaded with a tin-based novel adsorptive material developed to completely capture hexavalent chromium from tap water. The adsorbent consists of a bivalent tin hydroxide in the form of nanostructured granules. The patented material came as a result of 7-year research effort by scientists of our company aiming to optimize a product oriented to purify chromium-polluted water and validate its efficiency according to the demands for low cost, minimum impact to water quality parameters as well as to strict specifications for drinking water and environmental safety going beyond current regulation limits.
A novel nanoparticle fluid for localized cancer therapy by magnetic hyperthermia and thermally-triggered drug delivery
MagnoTher was funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology to develop and commercially exploit an aqueous dispersion of nanoparticles consisting of iron oxide cores covered by a layered inorganic shell which holds anionic anticancer drug. The developed nanoparticle system aims to cover the rapidly increasing demand for nanoparticles in biomedical applications, offer much lower prices than competitive products and provide specialized nanomaterials for magnetic hyperthermia. Innovation lies on the core-shell particle architecture but spreads out to the designed production process which contributes to the reduction of cost at accessible levels supporting continuation of corresponding research and clinical trials (Granted patent GR20170100132).
Utilization of industrial mining waste in the production of innovative refractory products
In magnesite producing mines, magnesite extraction is followed by a series of processes to separate it from the host rock. The parental ultramafic rock, which is separated by the magnesite, is the waste of the separation process and should be managed by the respective mining companies. Because of the serpentinization processes taken place (metamorphosis of ultramafic rocks and formation of secondary serpentine from the primary olivine), the possibility of economic and commercial exploitation of these by-products is currently very limited to nonexistent. The main objective of the MagWasteVal project is the development of an appropriate methodology (on laboratory and industrial scale) for the conversion of industrial waste produced during the enrichment of magnesite into an added value product. Utilization of this type of mining wastes is essential for mining companies since, after treatment, waste will be converted to products with applications in other industrial activities such as refractory materials production.